Simplify the management and monitoring of your production by controlling each step of your product development.
Create recipes with precision to control future production
Guarantee the quality of the finished products
It is crucial to be able to rely on a reliable and accurate system to trace each and every batch produced, whether for routine internal use or for sale. The system is fully and easily customizable to fit your individual needs.
Experience a 360° view of your laboratory
Log all your experiments, files and analyses. Automate repetitive tasks and share your results.
Create and validate protocols and methods, before distributing them for review and approval to staff.
Simplify the traceability of items and batches used and optimize the management of products and supplies.
Centralize scientific publications, create collections by theme or project and share knowledge with the team.
Track the distribution of time spent to simplify project management, reports or administrative declarations.
Protect each innovation by ensuring the anteriority and authenticity of the data at a given moment and by a trusted third party.
Do you have any questions?
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