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Scientific and participatory bibliography

Gather scientific articles and create collections by project and theme, for your whole team!

Sharing knowledge to boost scientific work in the laboratory

Illustration of a woman reading a book. She is sitting with her back resting on a stack of giant books.
Customized library
Create your themes and keywords. Easily identify and group your documentary sources.
Storage of publications
Import and classify scientific articles with rapid metadata analysis: DOI, authors, etc.
Link with R&D projects
From your bibliography, link to publications and resources useful for all your R&D work in the lab.
Open access consultation
Organize a common bibliographic base for your team to facilitate access and reading of documents.

Centralize and organize scientific articles useful to a project

  • Add a publication or a scientific journal by a simple “drag and drop”
  • Automatic retrieval of DOI and metadata of a document
  • Creation of a list of references and authors
  • Creation of personalized collections by theme
  • Attachment of publications to the laboratory’s R&D projects
Screenshot from Laby software showing the preview of an article.

Search and consult a scientific publication in one click!

  • Keyword search engine and advanced filters
  • Quick view of available content (articles, journals, etc.)
  • Email notifications to facilitate access by other researchers
Open book held by blurred hands.
Our CEO Benjamin Jacquot with his arms crossed, looking straight ahead with a smile.

A library common to the teams facilitates the sharing of information and the transmission of knowledge. It is a collaborative tool that contributes to the evolution of the laboratory’s projects.

Benjamin Jacquot

Our Solutions

Experience a 360° view of your laboratory

Electronic laboratory notebook

Log all your experiments, files and analyses. Automate repetitive tasks and share your results.

Inventory and supply

Simplify the traceability of items and batches used and optimize the management of products and supplies.

Equipment and maintenance

Manage and control the maintenance and reliability of the instruments used in the laboratory.

Scientific bibliography

Centralize scientific publications, create collections by theme or project and share knowledge with the team.


Track the distribution of time spent to simplify project management, reports or administrative declarations.

Digital signature

Protect each innovation by ensuring the anteriority and authenticity of the data at a given moment and by a trusted third party.

Contact us


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We are here to help you

Phone number
+33 09 63 53 28 81

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